Medical Miracle: Baby with DNA from three people born in UK

UK: In a landmark medical feat, a baby made with DNA from three people has been born in the UK.

Experts involved in the process have claimed that the new medical miracle is aimed at preventing children from inheriting incurable mitochondrial diseases.

While majority of the DNA was procured from the parents of the baby, a tiny fraction of 0.1 percent was taken from a third donor who is a woman.

Notably, the groundbreaking procedure was performed by the Newcastle Fertility Center in the UK after the parliament change the law in 2015 to permit the procedure happened around Mitochondrial Donation Treatment (MDT).

HFEA has informed that so far five babies have been made using this technique. 

“News that a small number of babies with donated mitochondria have now been born in the UK is the next step, in what will probably remain a slow and cautious process of assessing and refunding mitochondrial donation,” Sarah Norcoss, the director of the Progress Educational Trust, told BBC.

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