Five Planets to Line Up in Sky: When and Where to Watch?

In a rare astronomical sight, five Planets in the Solar System will come together in the skies as seen from the vantage point of Earth.

Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury will appear together in the skies. The alignment is called a conjunction – which happens when two or three more planets in our solar system appear to be in close proximity to each other.

When and Where to Watch?

To get the best view, spot which has a light pollution and a clear view of the horizon.

Mercury will be the last to come into view, an hour before sunrise. As per Stellarium, the Saturn will rise at 11:41 PM in the skies, Jupiter will come alive after 2:30 AM.

As per reports, Mercury will be visibly only after 4:23 AM from India.

Will it be Visible with Naked Eye?

Some planets will be easier to spot than others depending on the sky conditions and the location where you are at.

Meanwhile, Jupiter and Saturn will be pretty bright and easiest to see, Mercury will be a little dimmer. Whereas, Neptune and Uranus will require a pair of Binoculars or a Telescope.

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