Must Read | Why it’s high time to quit smoking?

Cigarette smoking is one of the injurious but still highly addictive habits among humans. Despite severe health hazards and deadly consequences, a huge section of the society is not stopping itself from puffing not just their lungs, but more than that. Yes, smoking is not just harmful for a particular organ but it’s consequences are more divine.

Cigarette smoking maximizes the addictive potential of nicotine by user, required the inhale smoke to lungs, thereby resulting in extremely concentrated doses of nicotine rapidly being transmitted to lung.

“Smoking contributes onset of many diseases. It is thought to account for 87% death from lung cancer, 82% from chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), 21% from coronary heart disease (CHD) and 18% from stroke disease,” Dr. Chandra told The Quotes. 

He further noted that once addicted to nicotine the smoker faces unacceptable risk of respiratory, neoplastic and cardiovascular disorders.

“Even without overt pulmonary symptoms, the smoker has a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower airway, with an accelerated decline of lung function. Risk from tobacco smoking is not limited to smoker only. It has been estimated that exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) increases the lung cancer by about 30%,” Dr. added.

Nonsmoking infant and children who are chronically exposed in utero and environmental tobacco smoke have increased risk of respiratory disease, malignancy and other health problems and that result in increased hospitalization and days of school loss,” Dr. Chandra added.

Benefits of quitting smoking: 

Dr. Chandra feels that smoking cessation has substantial immediate and long term benefit. 

“It dramatically decreased the risk of smoking related health problems. One year after quitting the risk of CHD decrease by 50%, and within 15 years the relative risk from dying from CHD for an ex-smoker approaches that of a lifetime non-smoker,” Dr. said. 

Ten to 14 years after cessation of smoking the risk of mortality due cancer decrease to nearly to a person who have never smoke in lifetime. Recent evidence suggest cessation before 35 years is of more benefit than cessation in advanced age.

There is universal agreement that who start to smoke during teenage years are most likely candidate for eventual nicotine dependence. Disease prevention begins by educating people.

To overcome the urge 

Try nicotine replacement therapy like nicotine patches, gums, that can be buy without prescription. 

Prescription non nicotine stops smoking drugs such as bupropion and varenicline. Avoid triggers, find out your triggers and have a plan to avoid them or get through them without using tobacco. Another trick is delay when there is a craving for smoking. 

Physical activity also activity also help to distract from tobacco craving. Try relaxation technique to stop tobacco craving. Remind yourself the benefit of quitting smoking- feeling better, getting healthier, sparing your love one from secondhand smoking and save money. 

Call for reinforcement when there is a craving for smoking. Call friend or family member, share few laughs, go for walk. Also, can join online smoke stopping programmed.

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