Maharashtra interfaith marriage panel got sole Muslim member, Who Is She? Check here

The Interfaith Marriage-Family Coordination Committee – set up by the Maharashtra government to obtain details about couples in such marriages – appointed its only Muslim member.

Irfan Ali Pirzade has joined the committee after one of its 13-members initially appointed by the government, resigned from the committee citing personal and professional commitments. Reportedly, state government roped in Pirzade on board on December 15.

While the committee is reportedly yet to hold an official meeting, few members of the board have already met informally during the past two weeks. The committee is set to meet officially after the department sets up a helpline for women in interfaith marriages, who are in distress.

Speaking to The Indian Express, Pirzade informed that she is a social worker and have worked in the field for the protected of women’s rights. “Due to my work, the government brought me on the committee,” Pirzada told The Indian Express.

Meanwhile, Yogesh Deshpande, member who resigned from the committee claimed that his personal commitments were clashing with professional ones.

The Women and Child Development had earlier set up a committee named ‘Inter-caste/Interfaith Marriage – Family Coordination Committee.’ However, the department issued a revised GR, dropping inter-caste marriages from its purview and retaining interfaith marriages, renaming the committee as ‘Interfaith Marriages – Family Coordination Committee’.

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